Your Appointment with Health

Schedule Your Massage, Chiropractic or Holistic Healing Appointment

Same day appointments are welcome.

For same day massage appointments please call 585-872-7979. Please leave a message if we are unable to answer the phone.

Massage/General Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 10:00am - 4:00pm
*By appointment only

Chiropractic Hours
Monday and Wednesday - 2:30pm to 8pm
Tuesday and Thursday - 7:30am to 12:30pm & 3:30pm to 8pm
Saturday - please call the office 585.334.7555 to schedule

  • By appointment only.
  • Available appointment hours may vary between therapists.
  • Credit Card required when scheduling online appointments*
Book Now

If you are a new client...please take a minute prior to your first appointment to print and complete our health history form.

Printable Health History Form
Printable Covid-19 Release Form

Cancellation Policy:

Payment is expected for any appointment not canceled 24 hours in advance. You may cancel by calling 585-872-7979 or online 24 hours in advance. If you fail to show for a scheduled appointment, we will charge the card on file. Thank you in advance for observing our policy.

display of candles and soap and a towel

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